Live Crown Forestry Ltd. specializes in multiphase timber development services for industry, government and private agencies. Utilizing project management software our experienced Registered Professional Foresters manage large and small scale timber development projects while incorporating the management of other resource values and constraints on the landscape. Live Crown is a Safe Certified company working within the regulatory framework in British Columbia.
Utilizing on-the-ground sampling and office compilation of the data to produce accurate appraisal of the stand for stumpage calculation.
Live Crown Forestry provides a range of services concerning silviculture assessments and surveys.
Utilizing field reconnaissance and surveys to determine the incidence, severity and location of forest health hazards.
Responding to natural wildfire and flooding which are a threat to forest resource and communities.
Producing effective maps for harvesting plans, cruise plans, and silviculture site plans. Use GIS and mapping to communicate your plan and support your operations.